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  4. How to download and install the Dispatch Software?

How to download and install the Dispatch Software?

Installing the dispatch software is your next step in TaxiAdmin’s world, after you complete this step you will be able to create your demo account.

To download and install the dispatch software you need to do the following:

  1. Check your email inbox for an email under the subject “TaxiAdmin – Start your demo now”. (you may need to check your spam folder)
  2. Click on the Download button to have the Dispatch software on your computer and to be able to install it
  3. Open the downloaded Setup to the dispatch software, select the language and click Ok.

3. Click Next to continue the installation, and choose the location file after that to proceed in the installation process
4. Browse the location file of where you want to install the Dispatch software, and then click Next and Install

5. Once the installation of the dermo is finished you will be notified as the following image. Once you click Close, your demo account has been created
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